CVARA 50th anniversary

In February 1965 a small group of Radio Amateurs in Norwich, NY realized a need for a local radio club. The CVARA was formed to create and maintain a 2 meter repeater supporting local emergency communications. The club and repeater callsign, W2RME, is a tribute to a founding member and club Treasurer, Duncan Copley. The repeater is an active “binding agent” for the club.
Membership has seen as many as 75 members, with a membership today of a little over 50, some of whom are 2nd generation family members carrying us into the future. We are ARRL affiliated and have Federal 501(c)3 status, as a charitable organization.
This was a year long event, on the air celebration of our achievement. We had special QSL cards and a certificate for those that wanted them, that made contact with a club member or the official club station..
Thank You for taking part in our celebration of this achievement.
This activity has ended